Preconception, pregnancy + loss
Whether you are trying to conceive, you have a little one on the way or you are dealing with loss, these journeys can be a time of immense challenge. Physical changes and demands can trigger mental strain and place increased pressure on relationships. We help women and couples navigate the challenges of the preconception and prenatal period including:
- difficulty conceiving
- miscarriage and pregnancy loss
- dealing with gender disappointment
- preparing for birth and the early days
- preparing to be a parent
- relationship challenges

Post Natal Period
Adapting to life with a baby is not a walk in a park. Whether its baby 1, 2, 3…. there will be challenges. With compassion and curiosity we can help you tackle these challenges and support you to navigate this period of your life so you can look back on this time with a smile (not a cringe).
We can help you with any of the following issues:
- birth trauma
- anxiety and depression
- relationship challenges
- post baby body issues
- bonding and attachment
- family dynamic adjustment

Parenting + Relationships
Becoming a parent is a momentous transition. It is likely to be one of the biggest, toughest and most exciting challenges in your lifetime. There’ll be good days and bad days. There might be days when you’re left thinking to yourself ‘I don’t like this at all, why did I do this?’, ‘have I chosen the right person to do this with’ or ‘I do not like my child’.
We know parenting can be tough and we’re here to help you navigate some of the following issues:
- differences in parenting approaches between you and your partner
- relationship challenges
- personal boundaries and self care
- dealing with difficult toddler and preschooler behaviours
- understanding my child’s developmental needs
- sibling rivalry

Work Life Strife
It is common for women to reassess and reorient their attachment and engagement with work after having children. Full time work, travel, commuting and after hours client engagements may no longer be an option. It may also be that the industry or profession is no longer of interest. So we see women redefining, retraining and seeking to alter their career pursuits, very commonly in a way where they take back control of their schedule and specialisation. As scary as this change can be it, can be exciting as well. An opportunity.
We can support you with:
- re-entry into the workforce in a new or existing role
- management of work life balance crises
- identify alternate career paths
- co-design a career plan