
We aim to bring you wise words underpinned by evidence, practicality and compassion. We want you to know that your challenges are common, answers are available and small changes can make the difference.
    Isn’t motherhood just hard? – understand the warning signs of mental health issues

    Isn’t motherhood just hard? – understand the warning signs of mental health issues

    We know that motherhood is undoubtedly a challenge but it can be hard to determine what is a reasonable level of stress and when to access the precious wisdom of knowing when you need to ask for help. When my first bub came long with a dramatic entrance into the world my first reaction was
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    How to heal after a traumatic birth

    How to heal after a traumatic birth

    I know when I was preparing for the birth of my first child, I had very clear (and rather inflexible) expectations about how I wanted the birth to go, how I expected it to go. I was living in Asia at the time and very conscious of the highly medicalised approach that was commonplace so
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    5 Ways to Prevent Burnout in Motherhood

    5 Ways to Prevent Burnout in Motherhood

    After a decade of working in and consulting to organisations around workplace wellbeing, I shifted into the world of motherhood… As I stood in the playground listening to the physical and mental symptoms being described by the women around me, it was all too familiar… physical ailments, emotional outbursts, catastrophic and negative thinking, feelings of
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    How to deal with the feeling that “my body is failing me” when you are having difficulty conceiving.

    How to deal with the feeling that “my body is failing me” when you are having difficulty conceiving.

    Conception is a tricky beast. You often have not idea how long it may take you to fall pregnant until you try and most people only begin trying when they feel “ready” to have a baby in arms. So by default, we often approach the process of getting pregnant from a starting point of impatience
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    Stressing out when your kids get upset? Let’s think about this differently

    Stressing out when your kids get upset? Let’s think about this differently

    Lets start by asking what is it in the world that you want most for your child? More often then not the verbatim answer is “health and happiness”. Amen. Easy enough said, right? But oh such a tricky and non-linear journey to get there, namely because it does not always feel intuitively right. Where we
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    Has your relationship soured since having kids? Here’s why.

    Has your relationship soured since having kids? Here’s why.

    Throw the responsibility of tiny humans into the mix and your relationship with your partner can quickly turn from friend to foe. Whether it is the crying in the night which becomes the Mexican stand off, the inconvenient scheduling of social and sporting activities without notification or negotiation or whether its just because your ‘emotional
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    5 things to help you ace your return to work negotiation

    5 things to help you ace your return to work negotiation

    Returning to work after having a baby can be like going back to your primary school. You intimately know the environment- the sounds and sights and smells. You have memories there, good and bad. If you are lucky there are familiar faces yet now there is a lot of water under the bridge because your
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    Hating your job? Four ways to start doing something about it.

    Hating your job? Four ways to start doing something about it.

    As a society, we lack a proactive dialogue around the reality of how women’s careers are impacted by having children.  Few women prioritise a focus on this when deciding what tertiary course to choose or how to channel their professional development.   This is a strange phenomena given many women see motherhood in their future.
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